Spoiler Alert!
If you haven’t yet watched
At the Earth’s Core, please do so.
If you want to compete, the full
rules and preview are found HERE.
But, just as a refresher, here are our rules:
- Rule # 1: Drink to new acquaintances whenever a named character is introduced.
- Rule # 2: Any time a named cast member dies, drink to their memory.
- Rule # 3: Drink for courage any time a rubber monster enters the scene for the first time.
- Rule # 4: Drink to victory any time a rubber monster is vanquished.
- Rule # 5: Every time you see a Mahar blink, then you must take a drink.
Please remember to drink responsibly.
Okay, so without further ado…
(0:03:22) “Oh, David, take us with you!” (Rule # 1) “Sorry, Maisie. No passengers allowed.” (Rule # 1, optional, Maisie’s hardly a main character) Even though David Innes has just uncorked the champagne, Doug McClure seems already drunk. Acting?
(0:03:39) “Doc!” (Rule # 1)
(0:03:52) “A little champagne to success?” “Oh, yes, I’ll… I’ll drink to that. Oh, no.
I’d better not. I-I’m at the controls, and you must keep a clear head, too, David.”
Dr. Perry doesn’t drink and drive, and neither should you!
(0:03:57) “Winterbottom…” (Rule # 1, optional, Winterbottom’s hardly a main character)
(0:04:00) “Mr. Innes, sir. Dowsett, of the Times.” (Rule # 1, optional, Dowsett’s hardly a main character)
(0:06:27) “Milford, get the horses ready, otherwise I shall lose fifty guineas.” (Rule # 1, optional, Milford’s hardly a main character)
(0:06:33) “No cheating, Archie. You can’t start until they’re off.” (Rule # 1, optional, Archie’s hardly a main character)
(0:14:49) “It is a somewhat aggressive looking creature…” (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
- Mile Marker: 3-8 drinks thus far.
(0:19:02) “I’ll remember him, Doc, but they all look the same.” That’s racist!
(0:19:24) (Not yet Rule # 3, the rubber rhino creature makes his full dramatic entrance in a moment. ‘Tis better to drink then.)
(0:20:16) “Dia.” (Rule # 1)
(0:20:24) “Ghak.” (Rule # 1)
(0:20:38) “He is Hoojah the Sly One. Do not trust him.” (Rule # 1)
(0:20:45) (Not yet Rule # 3, the rubber rhino thing is following them. Wait for it…
wait for it…)
(0:23:00) “Ahhh!” There he is! Drink now! (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
(0:23:26) A rival enters the fray… Snap! (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
(0:24:26) Low blow! That’ll cost him a point.
(0:24:39) Down goes Frazier! (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(0:25:24) “Oh, they’re so excitable, like all foreigners.” That’s racist!
- Mile Marker: 9-14 drinks thus far.
(0:31:00) Our first glimpse of the Mahar. “A Rhamphorhynchus of the middle Jurassic period!” (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
(0:31:24) *blink* (Rule # 5) And now you know what to fear…
(0:31:48) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:32:00) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:32:06) *blink* (Rule # 5) The drinks’re coming fast and furious now…
(0:32:12) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:32:13) *blink* (Rule # 5) Back-to-back!
(0:32:21) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:32:28) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:32:46) A special green glowing *blink* with musical cue. (Rule # 5) This must mean something…
(0:33:07) Again! *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:33:26) And again! *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:33:33) Non-dramatic *blink* (Rule # 5) They built these things, they’re going to get their money’s worth.
(0:33:46) “You’re beginning to annoy me!”
(0:33:51) *blink* (Rule # 5) Stop showing close-ups of the Mahar! Egads, the blinking doesn’t stop!
(0:35:19) “Fascinating. The Mahar is limited vocally… but has been… endowed with mesmeric powers and a high degree of telepathy. That’s quite a combination… for a bird.”
(0:38:01) Looks like David is “Building a Mystery”.
(0:40:55) Feed me, Seymour! (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
(0:42:08) Help me find my keys, and we’ll drive out of here. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(0:42:36) Here. Put a lil’ ‘Tussin on it.
(0:43:12) “Ra.” (Rule # 1)
- Mile Marker: 26-31 drinks thus far.
Take a 15-min. breather, you’ve earned it.
(0:47:33) The Mahar never blink and dive.
(0:48:28) “They’ve got to be destroyed. They’ve got to be.”
(0:49:55) A snoring Mahar!
(0:50:03) Technically, not a *blink*, the Mahar thought he heard a noise and opened his eyes. David hid. The Mahar saw nothing and went back to sleep. (Rule # 5, optional)
(0:53:43) *blink* (Rule # 5) Shame on you if you missed it.
(0:53:59) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:54:07) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:54:26) Significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:54:41) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:54:54) And in this corner… Gypsy from MST3K! (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
(0:55:08) The toad thing blinking means nothing.
(0:55:44) “David! The ear. Get it behind the ear.” Ra is quite the corner man.
(0:56:05) David must be taking a non-proficiency penalty with that spear. Aim the pointy end at the monster, dumb-ass.
(0:57:30) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:58:37) “Bravo!” (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(0:58:39) Significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:58:43) “David! Above you!”
(0:58:49) Ra to the rescue!
(0:59:00) Dying *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:59:03) Another dying *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:59:11) Again. (Rule # 5)
(0:59:14) Yep, again. (Rule # 5)
(0:59:17) Just die already! (Rule # 5)
(0:59:20) Once more for good measure… (Rule # 5)
(0:59:21) Ding-dong the Mahar’s dead! (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(0:59:29) Significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(0:59:48) Another significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
- Mile Marker: 44-50 drinks thus far.
(1:00:03) “I have a firm grip upon your trousers, David!” Uh… yeah.
(1:00:17) Uh, that slave just ran through the fire curtain.
(1:00:20) Significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:00:27) Another significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:02:39) “David, have you ever thought of going to the moon? Hmm?” Is Doc fishing for a sequel?
(1:03:58) Out of the proverbial frying pan and into the firebreathing toad! (Rule # 3, drink for courage!)
(1:04:36) Uh, Doc must’ve been carrying that bow the way He-Man carries his grappling hook.
(1:04:52) “Bullseye!” David looks as incredulous as we are, but three arrows later and that toad a’splode. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:05:57) “My word, what a fiery beastie.”
(1:06:34) “It’s Jubal the Ugly One!” (Rule # 1, at long last after much foreshadowing)
(1:08:49) “Never mind the Queensberry Rules!”
(1:09:27) “Well done, David!” Remember Jubal the Ugly One, slain with his own giant spear. (Rule # 2)
(1:10:06) “Dia will not be mine until we destroy the Mahars and free Pellucidar.”
(1:10:11) Significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:11:14) David blinking at Dia means nothing.
(1:11:23) Was that Desi Arnaz on the conga?
(1:12:59) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:13:13) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:13:50) “I must warn you, it gets very hot in there.” That’s what she said…
- Mile Marker: 53-59 drinks thus far.
(1:16:05) Significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:16:45) Another significant *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:17:19) Yet another significant *blink* (Rule # 5) Our heroes are in deep trouble.
(1:17:32) Again. (Rule # 5)
(1:17:50) Keep drinking. (Rule # 5) We’re in the home stretch…
(1:18:05) Once more with feeling. (Rule # 5)
(1:19:02) Curse the Mahar and their telepathic eyelids! (Rule # 5)
(1:20:24) Surprise! (Rule # 3, drink for courage!) He paced his cell like a caged animal, mostly because he was.
(1:20:44) “You cannot mesmerize me! I’m British!” Gotta love the Doc.
(1:21:00) Ra is a freaking beast! Even a knife in the back couldn’t stop him.
(1:21:24) Doc Perry blinking means nothing.
(1:22:25) *blink* (Rule # 5)
(1:22:33) Mahar explode after encountering the great taste of arrow. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:22:55) Looks like that Mahar missed his pyro spot. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:22:59) Another Mahar bites the dust, but sans pyro this time. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:23:07) Mahar fall down, no go boom. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:23:13) They must be out of pyro. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:24:10) I might’ve spoke too soon. David’s Mahar spear kill gets pyro. (Rule # 4, huzzah!)
(1:24:53) Hold on, don’t drink just yet. That’s the same caged beastie we saw earlier, just a little closer to freedom.
(1:25:36) “Why have you stopped?!” “We must wait for Ra!” “Oh, yes!” “Ra! Ra!” “It’s too late. Come on!” Rest easy, Ra. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. (Rule # 2)
(1:26:00) David gives one last “Ra!” for good measure. Alas, their bromance is at an end.
(1:26:10) Hoojah, we hardly knew ya. (Rule # 2)
(1:27:00) Yub Nub Celebration 7 years before Return of the Jedi. Alan Hume was the director of photography for both Core AND Jedi. Puts that Rancoresque monster in the pit earlier in a new light. Coincidence, Mr. Lucas? At least a ghostly blue Ra doesn’t show up at the end here.
(1:29:24) Don’t cry for me, Princess Dia.
(1:29:49) They saved Pellucidar from the tyranny of mind controlling vultures. Now, they can do the same for America.
- Final Talley: 70-76 drinks.
Did you play along? Let me know.
Did I miss a *blink*? Let me know.
I considered a set of team rules where Team David drinks every time he says “Doc!” and Team Doc drinks every time he says “David!”, but haven’t had a chance to test it. Try this at your own risk, but be sure to let me know how it goes.
Until next time…
Here’s to a long life and a merry one,
A quick death and an easy one,
A pretty girl and an honest one,
A cold pint… and another one!
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